
Seeking Talents


The Order of Seeking Talents[1]:
A Group of Practical Idealists

    Since the Renaissance, human scientific and technological civilization has made great strides forward, such as Kunlun standing in the sky, and rivers flowing into the Yangtze River.

    Any company or entrepreneur who can achieve a great cause, why not hope for wise people to come together and jointly realize the road to prosperity? From ancient times to modern times, Shun was employed from farming in the fields, Fu Shuo was employed from building walls[2]Liu Bei was born in the street vendor's shoe weaving seat, Cao Cao was born in the eunuch's house[3], Zhu Yuanzhang has gone through the poverty of temple cultivation, Nokia was born in the logging and paper industry, Intel produced memory modules in its early days instead of central processing units, Google, Apple and other companies were founded in the garage... When these enterprises and companies were assisted by talented people[4], most of them lived in the poor alleys and did not reach the vassal[5]. What kind of fate and coincidence is this? Either it is fate, or Bole knows a thousand li horse, or Mount Taishan can become its great bank because it doesn't choose a cup of soil, or the Yangtze River can become its mighty river because it doesn't choose a small stream[6].

    Talent and Bole have always been complementary to each other and accomplished each other. Therefore, there were Wei Yang who met Qin Xiaogong three times, there is Xiao He under the moon to chase Han Xin, there is Liu Bei three times to look at that cottage[7], there is Columbus to see the Queen of Spain[8], there is Oukubo Toshimichi after returning from the inspection to promote the reform of the Meiji Restoration, there are eight rebels from Fairchild Semiconductor[9], and there is that not easy to fetch the scriptures from the Western Heaven[10]...

    We believe that there are many outstanding talents yet to be discovered. Perhaps he still farmed in Nanyang[11] and fished in the Wei River[12]; Perhaps a good bird chooses a tree to live on, and a wise minister chooses a master to pursue his career; Perhaps a random event in statistics class has not yet occurred[13]; Perhaps a butterfly in the Amazon jungle has not yet flapped its wings[14]... As the saying goes: a prime minister must start in the state, and a fierce general must start in the army[15]. Welcome all knowledgeable individuals to self recommend or introduce themselves to each other, join us together: guide the country, inspire words, and waste the soil of the past ten thousand lords. Strike the water in the middle, and the waves will stop the flying boat![16]

    The sustainable development of an enterprise is, in the final analysis, to meet the needs of the majority of users, and take "users' satisfaction" as the yardstick to measure all work. With the goal of "maximizing the fundamental interests of the majority of users"[17], only when the interests of users are large, can we pay for our products and services, and only when enterprises have the funds to operate, develop and produce, can enterprises continue to develop the advanced ownership, advanced productivity, advanced production relations, advanced corporate culture[19][20] of "modern enterprises with Chinese characteristics[18]"... can enterprises survive. We are willing to provide senior positions and a high proportion of shares to those heroes who can "effectively serve our users" and "operate legally and in compliance[21]" to jointly manage the enterprise. Even with a leap of a galloping horse, it is less than ten steps away; A bad horse can pull a cart for ten days, and its achievements come from walking non-stop.[22]

[1] Taking into account Cao Cao's essay "Seeking Talents", it is not borrowed from the articles of Qin Xiaogong, Liu Bei, Li Shimin, Zhao Zhen, and Zhu Yuanzhang.

[2] From Mencius' "Born in Hardship, Died in Peace" and "Having the Way, Many Help; Losing the Way, Few Help": Shun was employed from farming in the fields, Fu Shuo was employed from building walls, rubber tripods were employed from selling fish and salt, Guan Yiwu was rescued from the hands of prison officials and appointed, Sun Shuao was employed from his secluded place by the seaside, and Bailixi was redeemed from the slave market and employed. So when heaven wants to bestow a heavy responsibility on someone, it must first make their mind distressed, their bones and bones exhausted, their hunger and starvation, their poverty, and their every action unsatisfactory. This will inspire their determination, make them resilient, and increase their abilities that they do not possess. A person often makes mistakes, only then can they correct them in the future. They become confused and blocked in their inner thoughts, only then can they know how to take action. Others' anger is manifested on their faces, resentment is expressed in their words, and only then can they be known by others. A country that lacks ministers who uphold the law and wise men who can assist the king domestically, as well as a country with comparable strength and the ability to resist disasters from abroad, often leads to its downfall. Only in this way can we understand the truth that worrying about disasters can make people (or countries) survive and develop, while comfort and pleasure can lead people (or countries) towards destruction.

[3] From "Records of the Three Kingdoms, Shu Shu, Biography of the Former Master" and "Records of the Three Kingdoms, Wei Shu, Annals of Emperor Wu".

[4] Adapted from Liu Yuxi's "Inscription on a Humble House": Mountains are not high, fame comes from having immortals. Water is not deep, with dragons comes spiritual energy. This is a simple house, it's just that I (the person who lives there) have good moral character (so I don't feel simple anymore).

[5] Adapted from Zhuge Liang's "Preface to the Former Expedition": I was originally a commoner who personally cultivated the fields in Nanyang and survived in times of chaos, without expecting to become famous among the feudal lords.

[6] Adapted from Xunzi's "Persuasion on Learning": The accumulation of soil and rocks has turned into a high mountain, and wind and rain rise from here; The accumulated water flows into an abyss, from which the dragon emerges; Accumulating good deeds and cultivating noble character will naturally lead to clarity of mind, thus possessing the spiritual realm of a sage. So without accumulating one and a half steps of travel, it is impossible to reach a thousand miles away; Without accumulating small streams of water, it is impossible to merge into rivers and oceans.

[7] Originating from the Romance of the Three Kingdoms, but not recorded in the Records of the Three Kingdoms, according to Mr. Yi Zhongtian's research, it is highly likely that Liu Bei and Zhuge Liang had a "two-way trip".

[8] Columbus discovered the New World, the birth of America.

[9] It was through rebellion and tolerance towards rebellion that the San Francisco Bay Area began to become known as Silicon Valley in the late 1960s.

[10] Journey to the West, The Nine Eighty One Difficulties, Xuanzang's Journey to the West for Buddhist Scriptures, and the Silk Road.

[11] Zhuge Liang.

[12] Jiang Taigong.

[13] Probability theory.

[14] Butterfly effect and chaos theory.

[15] From Han Fei's "Han Feizi: Xianxue" during the Eastern Zhou and Warring States periods.

[16] Adapted from Mao Zedong's "Qinyuan Spring: Changsha", the words "once remembered or not" have been removed.

[17] Inspired by the important thought of the Three Represents.

[18] Inspired by the ideology of socialism with Chinese characteristics.

[19] Inspired by the important thought of the "Three Represents".

[20] Based on the ideas in "Capital", "Capital in the 21st Century", and "New Capital", the author believes that human history is essentially a history of mutual promotion between "technology" and "economy". In this process, productivity is the core driving force for the development of the "economy and society". Productivity includes traditional productivity and new quality productivity, which can be exerted under specific forms of ownership. Ownership determines the distribution and utilization of production factors and is a key component of the economic system. Production factors can be divided into three categories: material factors, including means of production and natural resources; Non material elements encompass activities such as science and technology, information resources, capital, institutions, culture, markets, marketing, and sales; And human factors, involving labor force, entrepreneurial spirit and talent, management, organizational behavior, psychology, sociology, etc. These elements interact and influence each other, forming the foundation of the social production process and jointly promoting the sustainable development of the economy and society.

[21] Inspired by the idea of "comprehensively governing the country according to law" in the 20th National Congress Report.

[22] From Xunzi's "Persuasion on Learning": Even with a leap of a galloping horse, it is less than ten steps away; A bad horse can pull a cart for ten days, and its achievements come from walking non-stop. If it stops after a few cuts, then the decaying wood will continue to be cut. If you keep carving, then you can also successfully carve gold and stone. Earthworms do not have sharp claws and teeth, strong muscles and bones, but they can eat soil upwards and drink water from the soil downwards. This is because they are dedicated and focused. Crabs have six legs and two claws, but without the caves of snakes and eels, they have nowhere to live because they are restless and restless. Therefore, without the determination to study diligently, there will be no significant achievements in learning; Without diligent practice, there will be no great achievements in one's career.

If there is no "integrity",

Then, "smart" and "diligent" people will destroy everything.

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