
Contact Us


    At present, we only work on Earth:

      Sinbad Intelligent Technology (Beijing) Co., Ltd


      Address: Building 130, Phase II of Hesheng Binjiang Dijing, Tongzhou District, Beijing, China
      Postcode: 100000

   About Us:

    Sinbad Intelligent Technology (Beijing) Co., Ltd. was founded in October 2020 under the leadership of Mr. Liu Qing, a persistent and determined founder.

    Just like Edison painstakingly developed light bulbs and Musk meticulously built rockets, we also faced numerous challenges and difficulties in the first few years of entrepreneurship. Under the baptism of various pressures and adversity, we are as indestructible as the luminous bodies in a light bulb, and as powerful as the thrusters of a rocket. We are accustomed to the indifference, neglect, ridicule, and sarcasm of others; We remain calm in the face of suspicion, refuse, criticism, and even prolonged sitting on the cold bench. We keep trying, failing, trying again, failing again, trying again... It is this spirit of never giving up that inspires us to keep moving forward.

    Although we have not yet received widespread recognition from senior predecessors and experts, we always firmly believe that success will eventually belong to us! Because we are walking on a road that even senior predecessors and experts have never dared to set foot on, and one of our feet has already stepped on the land of "technological no man's land". We have also heard that some technology giants have grown step by step in this way, such as Nvidia, Intel, Amazon, Alibaba, SpaceX, Apple, Microsoft, Huawei, Lenovo, Haier... Those inspiring stories seem to sound very far away, but also seem to happen around us. Even if they are just "rumors, gossip, jokes, and myths", they are very inspiring to us - well, even if we can't become a "Dragon Warrior", we are willing to be a "Kung Fu Panda". Anyway, we are not willing to "sell noodles for life". At the same time, we also recognize that there are significant differences between people, and each enterprise has its own characteristics. Adhering to the spirit of embracing diversity and inclusiveness, our enterprise is constantly exploring and gradually finding a unique path suitable for our own development.

    The company was founded in October, symbolizing its birth in the same month as the great motherland, China, reflecting our determination to stand shoulder to shoulder with our motherland and share prosperity and development. We hope that, like Edison's electric lights illuminating the world, Musk's rockets challenging the unknown, we can also forge ahead in the prosperity of our motherland, work together, and create a brilliant future.

    Our name was inspired by the legendary character Sinbad in the Arabian folktale One Thousand and One Nights (also known as the Arabian Nights). Our English name "Sinbad" is derived from Sind, a place name in the ancient Indus River Basin, which means "sea traveler from Sind", and symbolizes our spirit of forging ahead without fear of hardships and dangers. Sinbad is a famous navigator. Starting from Basra, he traveled all over the seven oceans of the world and experienced countless mysterious adventures. He traveled all over the sea from East Africa to South Asia, braved the mysterious unknown world, fought various magical creatures, and explored supernatural phenomena.

     Our company, Sinbad Intelligent Technology (Beijing) Co., Ltd., takes this spirit as the soul and aspires to develop into a world-class top artificial intelligence enterprise. We strive to integrate artificial intelligence technology from the East and the West, combine the latest research and practical achievements from around the world, strictly abide by initiatives, regulations, and laws such as the "Regulations on the Administration of Deep Synthesis of Internet Information Services", "New Generation of Artificial Intelligence Ethics Standards", "Proposal on Artificial Intelligence Ethics Issues" and the "Global AI Governance Initiative", and contribute our efforts to the progress of human society.

     Our ultimate goal is to participate in the construction of a "fair and just society", so that everyone can unleash their abilities and obtain the resources they need. In order to actively participate in the work of building a "Community of Shared Future for Mankind", we are constantly striving for innovation. We firmly believe that through our efforts, we can contribute our modest strength to achieving peace, happiness, and prosperous development worldwide.

     Like Sinbad in the story, our journey is full of challenges and adventures, but our firm belief is that technology can change the world, humans can coexist harmoniously and sustainably with technology and nature, and artificial intelligence can drive society towards a better direction. We, Sinbad Intelligent Technology (Beijing) Co., Ltd., are taking this as a driving force to move forward firmly and create the future!