
Our Mission

With technology, be honest, engaged in education.

Help users become more knowledgeable, wealthy, and powerful through education!

User definition: students, adults (lifelong learning), small and medium-sized enterprises.

Prosperous: Help users become more knowledgeable, wealthy, and powerful through education!
Prosperous: Help users become more knowledgeable, wealthy, and powerful through education!

Our Vision

     Vision A : Use AI to "continuously" reduce the cost of education in China and the world, and "continuously" increase the income of high-quality pan-education workers.

     Vision B : Using AI to "continuously" transform traditional education, promote personalized teaching, stimulate learning interest and fun; gradually reform the higher education model in China and the world with AI, promote the education model of "learning while using, learning while working", use practice to test theory, and promote lifelong learning for all.

     Vision C : Use AI to help closely integrate education and employment (getting rich, economic development, and a better life)[1], promote five educations simultaneously[2], and educate people in three aspects[3].

     [1] Education must be combined with production and labor, and education must be run to the satisfaction of the people.

     [2] Efforts should be made to build an education system that comprehensively cultivates morality, intelligence, physique, art and labor, and form a higher-level talent training system.

     [3] Educate all staff, educate people throughout the process, and educate people in an all-round way.

Small Business, Big Dream.
Small Business, Big Dream.

Enterprise Values