

Craftsman spirit: Flowing water does not strive for short-term first place, but strives for endless flow.
Craftsman spirit: Flowing water does not strive for short-term first place, but strives for endless flow.

Disassembly Diagram Of The Project

"People who set goals go further than those who don't." - Mark Twain

"I didn't fail. I just found 1,000 ways that didn't work." - Thomas Edison

"An important feature of the Chinese scientific tradition is the lack of in-depth exploration of abstract concepts, especially the use of deductive logic. This led to the fact that although there were many practical technologies invented in ancient China, few people explored the principles behind these technologies, making it difficult to form systematic scientific theories." - Yang Zhenning

 For Individual Customers

   AI Search Engine for Text, Video,

   VR (Patent application pending)

   Indoor and Outdoor 3D centimeter level 

   positioning (Patent application pending)

   Independent payment tool 

   (Engineering required)

 For Commercial Customers

   Knowledge-based inclusive advertising 

   system (Patent application pending)

   AI Data analysis and optimization tools

    (Engineering required)

   3D Simulation Biochemical Experimental 

   Environment (Patent application pending)

   Education-based inclusive e-commerce 

   system (Patent application pending)

   AI Recommendation System for 

   Text, Video, VR (Engineering required)

   AI programming IDE

   (Engineering required)

   Control System for Digital Humans(video, 

   metaverse) (Participating in global R&D)

   Control Systems for Wearable Devices

   and Bionic Robot (Engineering required)

   Control System for "Sea Land Air Space, 

   Unmanned Driving" (Engineering required)

   Distributed real-time database

   (Engineering required)

   Quantum cloud (Focusing on 

   global research)

    The combination of AI technology with more advanced Operating Systems  (the Control System of mobile robots) and Web3.0 (a smarter, more connected network) will greatly improve the way humans and machines interact. This improvement will not only drive innovation in multiple technical fields such as Search, Recommendation, Advertising, Social Networking, E-Commerce, Cloud Computing, Privacy Protection, Driverless Driving, and Bionic Robots, but will also promote industrial upgrading in all walks of life. This process is highly likely to occur first in the "Industrial World", and drive innovation in the "Academic World".

    In particular, let us embrace a more ambitious dream. By innovating the Operating System (the Control System of mobile robots), HTTP(S) Protocol, the interface of mobile APPs, and promoting the transformation of people's thinking mode (more open, cooperative, shared, win-win), this will significantly enhance the flow mode and economic value of "data" as the core means of production in the fields of Digital Economy, the Internet, Mobile Internet, E-Commerce, Big Data, AI, 5G/6G Communication and so on - further, this is expected to vigorously promote the leap of productivity and production relations. Our continuous efforts will undoubtedly propel human society towards a better society where everyone "take what you need, and contribute what you can".

    To achieve these dreams, we must first transform traditional education methods. In the era of artificial intelligence, education carries a dual mission: first, with the help of the Internet and AI technology, vigorously develop "AI Education", replicate and expand the experience of excellent teachers, educational resources and school capacity, use AI to reduce the cost of education, break down the barriers to higher education, broaden the choices of students, and cultivate high-quality talents to meet the needs of society; Secondly, based on the historical experience of the previous industrial revolutions, in the face of AI-induced changes in unemployment and employment structure, education has once again become the key to leading change and reshaping the labor market. Therefore, we must promote the transformation of education in a forward-looking manner to provide a comprehensive platform for re-education and skills upgrading for users of different ages and stages of life, to ensure that they can smoothly adapt to new positions and promote the simultaneous development of personal and social prosperity.

The historical conditions[1] for the realization of a certain beautiful society (hypothesis[2]):

    There has been a significant increase in women's employment, economic income, and education level. People continue to grasp the mysteries of nature and their own destiny, and their understanding of the objective world, the meaning of life, the movement of life, and the essence of religion is becoming more scientific and rational. Social productivity is highly developed, and labor productivity is constantly improving.

    Modernization and ecological civilization are highly developed, and the whole world uses "machine translation" to achieve free written and oral communication. Population control within a certain range, and women returning to public services; There has been a significant improvement in employment, economic income, and education level, with equal pay for equal work between men and women and the elimination of gender discrimination in employment. The difference in gender has little social significance. The overall development of women's qualities, including physical fitness, cultural literacy, ideological and moral qualities, and the development of women's abilities in multiple fields in free time, social relationships will not hinder the progress of development relationships. In the ongoing development relationships, the disadvantaged labor groups will naturally become fewer and fewer, and they will be at a considerable level of ability with the improvement of development.

    People constantly grasp the mysteries of nature and their own destiny, scientifically prove the conclusions in religion, the boundary between science and religion disappears, and their understanding of the objective world, the meaning of life, the movement of life, and the essence of religion tends towards science and rationality. The level of scientific culture, ideological awareness, emotional intelligence, and moral standards greatly improve, and they gradually eliminate plundering, aggression, bullying, violence, crime, terror, and all unfair and unreasonable phenomena, and pursue and establish truth, goodness, beauty, peace, tolerance, harmony, mutual assistance, win-win, and all just, fair, and reasonable beautiful and noble things. Eliminating the ideological and social foundations for the emergence and dissemination of religion leads to its demise.

    With the great progress of technology and the great development of education, the focus has shifted from knowledge memory to ability cultivation, emphasizing the cultivation of critical thinking ability, lifelong learning ability, proactive learning spirit, creativity, innovation spirit, and entrepreneurial spirit, as well as the cultivation of human-machine cooperation ability. Cancelling exams, breaking free from the shackles of exam oriented education, and freeing from the constraints of unified and standardized training models, adopting targeted education based on the characteristics of each student, and making lifelong learning a daily way of life for people.

    Civilization is widely popularized, social productivity is highly developed, labor productivity is constantly improving, and the labor time required to maintain social production is constantly shortening. The labor time system also has the nature of a leisure time system, and society is gradually transforming from a labor society to a leisure society. People are increasingly concerned about their own minds, accompanied by the abandonment of external conflicts of interest. Harmony has become the theme, and the relationships between people and nature, people and society, people's physical and mental relationships, and people's relationships have been thoroughly resolved. The literary and artistic industry has flourished and developed, and social products are greatly enriched.

    Private ownership has basically lost its practical significance. The differences between workers and peasants, classes, urban and rural areas, and between mental and physical labor have been eliminated. People recognize their original power and organize this power into a social force, so they no longer separate it from themselves as a political force. Everyone learns to manage the country, and all residents enjoy democracy. The functions of the state are gradually simplified and given way to social organizations. Everyone enjoys complete democracy, there is no need for democracy. When democracy develops to such a complete level, it becomes redundant, and the country tends to disappear with the development of democracy. The whole society plans to carry out large-scale customized production according to the needs of different people.

    Human beings have withdrawn from the field of non creative labor, and non creative labor has been fully replaced by machines. Creative labor has become the main theme of human social labor and the social situation where humans provide unlimited creativity. The division of labor in society is increasingly tending to return to the state where everyone was equal in the face of nature, achieving comprehensive coordinated and integrated development of economy, politics, culture, society, and ecology, and the boundaries and differences between them are gradually disappearing. There is no longer any hired labor. Therefore, labor is no longer the labor in the old division of labor, and labor capacity and labor time are no longer the scales for distributing consumer goods. Therefore, labor can break free from the pressure of making a living, can no longer become capital, currency, or rent, is no longer a compulsory activity, but an activity that unleashes human talents and strength, becomes an activity that people are willing to engage in to realize their self-worth, and becomes the source and driving force of happiness in life. Free and conscious creative activities enable every member of society to achieve freedom and comprehensive development.

[1] Source: A certain encyclopedia entry.

[2] Hypothesis is a testable guess based on existing knowledge and observations, used to explain a specific phenomenon or predict future experimental results. It is the preliminary stage of scientific research and needs to be verified through experiments and evidence. - Practice is the sole criterion for testing truth.